Traditionally Naturopathic practitioners have been employing simple and effective natural diagnostic methods by observing the facial and bodily features, iris of the eyes, tongue, nails, pulse and analysis of the spine. Among these, iris diagnosis and facial diagnosis are predominantly used by present day Naturopaths.
Iris diagnosis has the potential to expand the understanding of a person’s overall state of health and vitality, and even origin of disease processes. It is a useful and quick screening method towards the underlying problems for a holistic doctor.
Iridology is one of the diagnostic methods employed in Naturopathy using simple magnifying lens, flash light, slit lamps and microscopes. The characteristics of iris can be examined to determine changes in accordance with the systemic health of the person.
The iris, pupil and sclera should be examined from right to left. Signs like lesions, lacunae, crypts, collarette, pigmentation, radial furrows are very much helpful in diagnosing medical conditions like inherent weakness of the organs, nervous disorders, skin disorders, musculo skeletal disorders, gastro intestinal system disorders, etc.
Recently conducted Genome Wide Association Study concluded that genes involved in normal neuronal pattern development may also influence tissue structures in the human iris. PER2 gene, a well-established regulator of circadian rhythm has also been shown to be associated with iris formation.
- Larsson M, Duffy D, Zhu G, Liu J, Macgregor S, McRae A, et al. GWAS findings for human iris patterns: associations with variants in genes that influence normal neuronal pattern development. Am J Hum Genet. 2011;89:334-43.
- PiesseJW.,Iris diagnosis. AustFam Physician. 1980 May;9(5):309-18.
- Larsson M, Duffy D, Zhu G, Liu J, Macgregor S, McRae A, et al. GWAS findings for human iris patterns: associations with variants in genes that influence normal neuronal pattern development. Am J Hum Genet. 2011;89:334-43.
- Theodor Krieger, The History of Iris diagnosis, In Fundamental Basis of Iris diagnosis, 7th Edition, in Great Britain,, J W Arrowsmith Publication Ltd: 1997: pp.10.