Acupressure belongs to the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) as one of the components of alternative treatments. It is defined as a technique which applies pressure on acu points on human body by using finger, palms or other devices to balance the vital energy flows called Qi through meridians. Acupressure is often recommended as a symptomatic treatment for a wide range of conditions, for example, arthritis, claustrophobia, the common cold, gastrointestinal problems, gynecological complaints, insomnia, laryngitis, neuralgia, sciatica, renal disease, stuttering, sweating, tinnitus, and vertigo.
- Abedian Z, Eskandari L, Abdi H, Ebrahimzadeh S (2015). The Effect of Acupressure on Sleep Quality in Menopausal Women: A Randomized Control Trial. Iran J Med Sci 40(4): 328-334.
- Reza H, Kian N, Pouresmail Z, Masood K, Sadat SeyedBagher M, et al. (2010) The effect of acupressure on quality of sleep in Iranian elderly nursing home residents. Complement TherClinPract 16(2): 81-85.
- Chan Kf, Ng P, Ng Ky (2006) The effects of an intervention group with the support of non-pharmacological Chinese medicine on older Chinese adults with insomnia: a pilot study. International Social Work 49(6): 791–803.
- Valente S (2015) Evaluating and Managing Insomnia: Nonpharmacological Treatments. Journal of Sleep Disorders & Therapy 4(2): 2-5.